Ideal norm

In commutative algebra, the norm of an ideal is a generalization of a norm of an element in the field extension. It is particularly important in number theory since it measures the size of an ideal of a complicated number ring in terms of an ideal in a less complicated ring. When the less complicated number ring is taken to be the ring of integers, Z, then the norm of a nonzero ideal I of a number ring R is simply the size of the finite quotient ring R/I.


Relative norm

Let A be a Dedekind domain with the field of fractions K and B be the integral closure of A in a finite separable extension L of K. (In particular, B is Dedekind then.) Let \operatorname{Id}(A) and \operatorname{Id}(B) be the ideal groups of A and B, respectively (i.e., the sets of fractional ideals.) Following (Serre 1979), the norm map

N_{B/A}: \operatorname{Id}(B) \to \operatorname{Id}(A)

is a homomorphism given by

N_{B/A}(\mathfrak q) = \mathfrak{p}^{[B/\mathfrak q�: A/\mathfrak p]}, \mathfrak q \in \operatorname{Spec} B, \mathfrak q | \mathfrak p.

If L, K are local fields, N_{B/A}(\mathfrak{b}) is defined to be a fractional ideal generated by the set \{ N_{L/K}(x) | x \in \mathfrak{b} \}. This definition is equivalent to the above and is given in (Iwasawa 1986).

For \mathfrak a \in \operatorname{Id}(A), one has N_{B/A}(\mathfrak a B) = \mathfrak a^n where n = [L�: K]. The definition is also compatible with norm of an element: N_{B/A}(xB) = N_{L/K}(x)A.[1]

Let L/K be a finite Galois extension of number fields with rings of integers O_K\subset O_L. Then the preceding applies with A = \mathcal{O}_K, B = \mathcal{O}_L and one has

N_{L/K}(I)=O_K \cap\prod_{\sigma \in G}^{} \sigma (I)\,

which is an ideal of O_K. The norm of a principal ideal generated by α is the ideal generated by the field norm of α.

The norm map is defined from the set of ideals of O_L to the set of ideals of O_K. It is reasonable to use integers as the range for N_{L/\mathbb{Q}}\, since Z has trivial ideal class group. This idea does not work in general since the class group may not be trivial.

Absolute norm

Let L be a number field with ring of integers O_L, and \alpha a nonzero ideal of O_L. Then the norm of \alpha is defined to be

N(\alpha) =\left [ O_L: \alpha\right ]=|O_L/\alpha|.\,

By convention, the norm of the zero ideal is taken to be zero.

If \alpha is a principal ideal with \alpha=(a), then N(\alpha)=|N(a)|.

The norm is also completely multiplicative in that if \alpha and \beta are ideals of O_L, then N(\alpha*\beta)=N(\alpha)N(\beta).

The norm of an ideal \alpha can be used to bound the norm of some nonzero element x\in \alpha by the inequality

|N(x)|\leq \left ( \frac{2}{\pi}\right ) ^ {r_2} \sqrt{|\Delta_L|}N(\alpha)

where \Delta_L is the discriminant of L and r_2 is the number of pairs of complex embeddings of L into \mathbb{C}.

See also


  1. ^ Serre, 1. 5, Proposition 14.